Total Weight Gained/Loss? Gulp--over 40 lbs! I gained over 4-5 lbs in one week--I think it's due to the swelling which seemed to pop up overnight. My feet and hands are huge!
Maternity Clothes: Yup--except for my lounge/sweats. Some of the tops don't even fit anymore (too short!)
Sleep: Overall ok--I get up every hr or two each night, but it doesn't seem to bother me. I try to take naps, too (if I can).
Best Moment of the Week: Getting the car seats in--it doesn't take much, does it?? ha ha!
Movement: Still quite a bit of movement, but more rolling/moving, not as much little jabs. However, every once and awhile (s)he really belts me one--ouch!
Food Craving: Still fruit and light food (what I call summery food), like jello, fruit, yogurt, cereal, eggs, etc). I also drink milk and juice a lot!!!
Food aversions: Nothing that I can really think of, but still not really into heavy food like pasta and such (which I normally love at this time of year).
Morning sickness: Occasionally get a bit nauseous, but it passes quickly and nothing comes of it.
Labor Signs: None yet and now I'm starting to want them! When I went in for my stress test last week, they said they think I had a contraction, but I didn't even know it.
Belly Button: Out like a sore thumb!
Stretch Marks: I'm not sure--it looks like I have a reverse linea nigra (above the bb, not below!) I can't see below my bb, so I don't know if I have any there.
Wedding rings: Haven't worn them since mid-Dec, which is good conisdering how swollen my fingers are now.
Swelling: Oh yes, esp. when I've been on my feet a bit. My toes even go numb occasionally due to the massive swelling. Also, I need to stretch my fingers often or they get stiff. Putting on socks/shoes--don't even get me started. I had to go out and buy a new pair of work shoes in WIDE since my feet are so swollen (I'm normally a narrow foot!).
Exercise: Yeah right, like I have the energy. Just cleaning/organizing the nursery gets me winded!
What I miss: Being able to put on and wear my shoes easily and being able to do things around the house w/o asking for help.
What I love: Still love being pregnant. And, now I can say that I only have 2.5 weeks left! Most are really surprised since they say I look only 7 mths. I think it's because the baby is all out front and nothing on the sides. I love the attention!
What I'm looking forward to: Working from home starting next week.
Weekly Wisdom: I'm trying to learn the mantra to let things go and somethings are not worth it!
Milestones: Hitting 37 weeks! Also, got the car seats in and nursery is basically ready. The only things to tie up are finishing packing the L&D bags (both me and J).
Size: Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long.

Update on the nursery and lists: All is in put together in the nursery, but still working on organizing. Got most of the clothes and such washed, the sheets and crib skirt are on. Got the changing pad attached and put on the cover. The chair should be scotchguarded, but need J to do that. I got the aquarium and mobile put on the crib. Now, I'm trying to organize the closet since it's been kinda my junk closet full of my extra clothes and wedding stuff. I'll try to post pics soon.
I also got more nursing/lounge clothes/pjs, so I think I'm good on that front. Like I said, now just finishing packing the L&D bags and create a last-minute list (car seat, ID, etc).
Work is hectic, but it's all from me trying to get everything ready for when I'm gone. The hardest is not knowing exactly when!
J's been fantastic making dinner and creating meals to freeze for the next few months--I can't rave enough how great he's been with everything and me, esp. with his crazy workload to boot!
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