Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

15 weeks

How far along? 15 WeeksTotal
Wight gain/loss: Not sure--hopefully slight loss and/or constant
Maternity clothes? Only on the weekend--thanks A!
Sleep: Ugh--sleep about 5 hours a night, then the brain starts going for a few hours. Right when I want to drift off, I have to get up for work. I take 1-2 naps/day (gotten shorter, though than last month)
Best moment this week: Getting the doppler and hearing the hb at home, telling more people and wearing comfortable maternity clothes instead of unbuttoned regular clothes
Movement: Nothing yet, but get weird twinges during the evening (but higher than the baby should be)
Food cravings: Varies, but overall, still fruit
Gender: I'm thinking girl, but all signs point to boy
Labor Signs: Not any time soon..
Belly Button in or out? Still in, thank goodness!
What I miss: Jimmy John sandwiches and salami/cream cheese rolls
What I am looking forward to: dr appt on Friday--more b/w for 2nd tri tests
Weekly Wisdom: I'm running blank here...
Milestones: Belly does stick out more--esp at night

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