Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

16 weeks

How far along? 16.5 weeks
TotalWight gain/loss: At my appointment last week, I've only gained 1.5 lbs since my appointment 4 weeks ago--yippee!! Doc now says I'm supposed to gain 1 lb/week. Should be interesting since my appetite has severely dropped.
Maternity clothes? Rarely, mainly to hide the pregnancy at work.
Sleep: Going good. Been sleeping through the night for the past few nights (and this includes quick catnaps during the day).
Best moment this week: Finding out that my exercising is doing good since I only gained 1.5 lbs in the past month.
Movement: Nothing yet
Food cravings: Pasta
Gender: Same--I'm thinking girl, but all signs point to boy. Had a dream a bit ago that we had the baby and it was dressed like a boy, but called it a girls name!?!
Labor Signs: Not any time soon..
Belly Button in or out? Still in, thank goodness!
What I miss: Just a sip of booze, mainly J's margaritas and/or other fun summer drinks. Salami/cream cheese rolls (mmmm...salami/cream cheese rolls....)
What I am looking forward to: Just savoring every day/min that I'm pregnant
Weekly Wisdom: See above.
Milestones: Belly seems to keep sticking out more--or else it's just my posture making it bad. Baby can now hear us and J is making the most of it--talking to it every chance he can.
Axiously awaiting results from the 2nd tri screening/b/w.

16 week dr appointment:
Wt: +1.5 lbs since week 12
bhb: 160
no u/s this time, but will in a month! =)

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