Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A big addition to the new adventure of our lives together!

I'll let the picture say the thousand words.....

As many of you now have heard, we have started to joyously spread the news that our 'coupledom' will soon become a real family! =) Baby Sterk is on the way--or who we call either Little One (LO) or squirmy.

The pic above is a bit old, from my 9w4d u/s and I've had several since. I just haven't had time to scan them in. You can see LO's head on the top and right underneath is a hand and the little feet on the bottom.

We're so happy to be into the 2nd trimester and be able to get over the fear of m/c and all. Also, the first screenings came back "normal". Me, being a scientist, wants hard numbers and ratios, but they couldn't give any, all I got is "normal". I'll take what I can get!

A little bit of a shock when I got weighed--evidently going off of nutrasweet/splenda and drinking (minimally) regular pop, juice and milk, plus my food cravings have taken their toll! It also didn't help that I needed to eat to keep the nausea at bay (ironically enough!). I gained about 8 pounds or so so far (a little high at only 12 w!). However, this is a bit debatable since I wasn't regularly weighing myself before I got preggo. No more Taco Bell =(. Which has actually turned out fine since it doesn't sound good anyway.
The details:
EDD (est. due date): Feb 5, 2010
Tomorrow I'll be 14w (or 15w depending on how you count)
Gender: We will most likely not find out

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