How far along? 18 weeks
TotalWight gain/loss: No idea.
Maternity clothes? Just starting to, mainly bottoms since wearing a belly band isn't too comfortable.
Sleep: Some good nights, some bad (up for a few hours in the middle of the night.)
Best moment this week(s): Finding out the baby is healthy and starting to show more in my clothes
Movement: Nothing yet, darn it! I thought I should be feeling LO by now!
Food cravings: Varies--mainly carbs.
Gender: Not sure, keep going back and forth.
Labor Signs: Not any time soon..
Belly Button in or out? Still in, thank goodness!
What I miss: Being able to lift heavy objects and/or do stuff I took for granted. I bought some shelving units at Target and feel helpless since I shouldn't be lifting them in and out of my cart and car. Food-wise mainly salami/cream cheese rolls
What I am looking forward to: Feeling the baby move
Weekly Wisdom: uhhh....
Milestones: Telling some good friends at work. Still fun to share the good news with people! 2nd tri screening came back negative (normal!)--yipee!
Yes, everything is hunky dory with the baby with the 1st tri and 2nd tri screenings coming back normal. Hard to believe that some people take these tests for granted because of their age.
Cheese Grits #recipe @vmburns
1 hour ago
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