How far along? 21w 3d
TotalWeight gain/loss: ugh--up ~6.5 lbs in the last month! So about 12ish pounds total since beginning of pregnancy.
Maternity clothes? Can't fit into any of my non-maternity bottoms (except workout pants and shorts). Tops--can wear both.
Sleep: Overall, good except when LO wants me to roll to the other side and makes sure I know it!
Best moment this week(s): Seeing J's face when he first felt LO move and seeing it!Movement: See above. I
Food cravings: Panera broccoli cheddar soup and their french bread...mmmm...I would love this now.
Gender: No idea, I keep calling (s)he she.
Labor Signs: Not any time soon..
Belly Button in or out? Still in, thank goodness!
What I miss: Jimmy John's subs
What I am looking forward to: Having my firs shower this weekend (w/my MN relatives). . Milestones: Like above, J's face.
Also had the u/s last week--did not go well and will mention more in the future after the 2nd level u/s happens. Overall, not a pleasant experience and the less said the better.
I'll try to post new pics soon. Been busy with moving, cleaning, helping p's, etc.
Cheese Grits #recipe @vmburns
1 hour ago
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