How far along? 19w 3d
TotalWeight gain/loss: No idea--will find out next Monday at my next dr appointment--hopefully I'm right on track! =)
Maternity clothes? Have moved into at least wearing maternity bottoms and occasional tops. Trying to get as much use out of my summer maternity clothes on loan while the weather is still nice.
Sleep: Overall, good except when LO starts poking me to get up!
Best moment this week(s): Feeling LO move. Last Tuesday, I woke up a bit early and thought I felt something like a bubble popping inside me. I then felt it two more times and realized I was finally feeling the baby move! Since then (s)he has been VERY active, esp. when I'm laying down on my back and/or haven't moved in awhile. Sometimes it can be a bit disconcerting. However, I love it and find it thrilling. I also think that I can feel (s)he move from the outside and even slightly see LO kick/move. J has been anxious to feel it himself, but LO hasn't been too cooperative when daddy's around. =)
Movement: See above. I was wondering why I hadn't felt anything and now it's like LO is making up for lost time. J thinks LO is just practicing to be a pole vaulter...
Food cravings: More chocolate cravings this week.
Gender: My dad keeps calling LO Junior, I slip into calling LO he, but am trying to even it out calling it she.
Labor Signs: Not any time soon..
Belly Button in or out? Still in, thank goodness!
What I miss: Again, being able to lift and/or move heavy objects. This was really hard last week since we got furniture from my folks delivered to our house (thanks m&d!). I kept wanting to move stuff around and hate asking for help. I got around some of this by using the furniture sliders--those things are amazing!!!
What I am looking forward to: Getting the next big u/s on Monday. Hopefully they'll let us see everything w/o giving the sex away.
Weekly Wisdom: Take nothing for granted. I'm still amazed that I'm finally pregnant and so excited to be going through all of this.
Milestones: Like I said above, feeling LO move and thinking I even saw it!
Also, I got to register this week. My mom and I went first thing on Sat to register at BRU and I won a prize--some bottles, brushes and nipples from a brand that hasn't been released yet (Dr. Weil?). Registering is so overwhelming!!! I can't believe how much stuff there is and trying to figure out what to get is a little daunting. Just trying to decide what swing to get, let alone do you need a small rocker or other exerersaucer as well is confusing. Good thing I have a few friends who were/are recently preggo so that I can stalk their registries for ideas!
LO is moving so much, I'm slipping into calling (s)he Squirmy since (s)he is so active! So, LO might be interchanged with Squirmy from now on.
I'll try to get a new pic taken and posted soon...been too busy with moving and redoing our dining room.
Cheese Grits #recipe @vmburns
1 hour ago
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