How far along? 22w 4d
Total Weight gain/loss: Total about 12 lbs since beginning of pregnancy (?)
Maternity clothes? Oh yes--rarely can I get by w/non maternity clothes since I can't button any up anymore. Some tops do still fit though, but I don't want to stretch too many out.
Sleep: Pretty good--still like a 20-30 mn nap once a day.
Best moment this week(s): Seeing all of my relatives and having them see me pregnant! Movement: Oh yes--LO is VERY active!
Food cravings: Varies--sometimes chocolate and/or cake, sometimes fruit, sometimes Panera broccoli cheddar soup and their french bread
Gender: Don't want to know.
Labor Signs: Not any time soon..
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but starting to work it's way out
What I miss: Still miss Jimmy John's subs and salami rolls
What I am looking forward to: W/apprehension--today's level 2 u/s.
Milestones: Had my first shower last weekend with my MN relatives--so much fun and got some great items. So many were homemade, which I love and will cherish!
I can also see the baby move/kick from the outside. I'm starting to have more and more conversations with the baby and sometimes it seems like (s)he is responding back with movement and/or kicks.
Cheese Grits #recipe @vmburns
2 hours ago
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