How far along? 25w
Total Weight gain/loss: Total about 20 lbs since beginning of pregnancy (ugh!)
Maternity clothes? Oh yes--rarely can I get by w/non maternity clothes since I can't button any up anymore. My lounge wear is still non-maternity. Gotta love elastic pants and old 90's style L t-shirts!
Sleep: Pretty good--still like a 20-30 mn nap once a day.
Best moment this week(s): Having my mom see my belly move/jump
Movement: Oh yes--LO is VERY active!
Food cravings: I'm craving the things I can't have--Jimmy John's and salami rolls. Other than that, my cravings are either fruit/healthy or salty snacks.
Gender: Don't want to know.
Labor Signs: Not any time soon..
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but starting to work it's way out
What I miss: Taking for granted an easy pregnancy and not worrying.
What I am looking forward to: My next u/s in a few weeks.
Milestones: Viability!!!
Also, the glucose test came back negative, so that's good too! As read in another post, the heart and organs looked great in my high level u/s a few weeks ago, so that was a big relief.
I've been having some minor complications, cramping, lightheadedness/dizziness and spotting and bleeding for the past 2 weeks. I'm told not to exercise at all (not even prenatal yoga), which is killing me, esp. with my weight gain. I can feel my muscles atrophying. I've been told to rest as much as possible, which after this week, I'm trying to take more seriously.
The dr can't find anything wrong, and LO's hb is still strong and still kicking/moving around a lot, so that's a good sign! I just hope that things even out before I leave for Phx for Thanksgiving for 2 weeks!
Cheese Grits #recipe @vmburns
2 hours ago
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