Here is the chair I ordered, but in a lighter beige fabric (and no contrasting trim). It's a glider, recliner and swivels--nice! Plus, the fabric choice was cheaper than the display, plus I used a 20% off coupon--yeah for the savings!
Also, just got word that our crib is in, so J and my dad will pick it up this week.
My mom and I will be painting the nursery this week as well. Everything is starting to fall into place. Mental note to take pics before and after of the nursery.
27 week update
How Far Along? 27 w 3d
Total Weight Gained/Loss? ~34 lbs--yikes! Where is it going???
Maternity Clothes: All the time now, except some of the pants keep falling down--not sure why.
Sleep: Hard to say since I'm getting over being sick. Still take about 1-2 naps/day--nice!
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing a lot of good friends this weekend at D's going away party and getting nice compliments of how good I look. It really made my day!
Movement: Oh yes--LO is sure active. I'm starting to feel more pressing of the head and/or behind against my skin--weird sensation!
Food Craving: Nothing really jumps out at me other than fresh fruit and juice, but I assume that this is because of the cold. I am diggin' the leftover Halloween candy, though!
Morning sickness?- No, thank goodness!
Stretch marks? None yet...
Labor Signs? None yet...hopefully not for another 2.5 months!
Belly Button- Still in, but the top part is starting to come out.
What I miss- Sushi, salami rolls, Jimmy John's sandwiches and not being able to drink while out with friends. No biggie since it's so worth it.
What I'm looking forward to- Getting the nursery ready.
Weekly Wisdom- God has a plan for us...we just have to trust in that plan. I'm stealing this from another blog, but believe it as well!
Milestones- At the end of my 2nd trimester. It's going too fast!!!! And in the double digits left--only 88 days left!
Size-Your baby is as hefty as a head of cauliflower, weighing in at almost 2 pounds. (Length: about 14 1/2 inches.) (from http://www.babycenter.com/)

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