Welcome 3rd trimester!
How Far Along? 28w4d
Total Weight Gained/Loss? Will find out tonight, but I think I'm about 28 lbs--where is it all going and how will it go away after the birth???
Maternity Clothes: Oh yeah--the only problem is some of the pants keep falling down...
Sleep: Off and on, some nights a great 7 hours straight, most nights, up at 3 or 4 am and need to read a bit before drifting off again. However, LO is a great alarm clock at 6:15 and even if I want to snooze (s)he starts kicking telling me to get my butt out of bed =)
Best Moment of the Week: Having conversations with LO (no (s)he doesn't talk back, but does respond with movement!)
Movement: Yup--and some are pretty brutal both inside and out--just like mommy and daddy with long limbs (I think).
Food Craving: Fruit or chocolate at different times
Food aversions: Just get sick of food easily
Morning sickness: Nope (crossing fingers)
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button: The top is starting to poke out--eek!
Stretch Marks: none (whispered with fingers crossed)
Wedding rings: still on, but getting tighter
Exercise: Still not allowed
What I miss: Not living day-to-day calling and/or visiting doctors offices!
What I'm looking forward to: My u/s today (my mom is coming too!) and going to Phx tomorrow for a 2 week vacation!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Things happen for a reason and better to be safe than sorry (which I keep telling myself everyday I go in for tests and get new doctor referrals.
Milestones: Just hit the start of the third trimester!
How Far Along? 28w4d
Total Weight Gained/Loss? Will find out tonight, but I think I'm about 28 lbs--where is it all going and how will it go away after the birth???
Maternity Clothes: Oh yeah--the only problem is some of the pants keep falling down...
Sleep: Off and on, some nights a great 7 hours straight, most nights, up at 3 or 4 am and need to read a bit before drifting off again. However, LO is a great alarm clock at 6:15 and even if I want to snooze (s)he starts kicking telling me to get my butt out of bed =)
Best Moment of the Week: Having conversations with LO (no (s)he doesn't talk back, but does respond with movement!)
Movement: Yup--and some are pretty brutal both inside and out--just like mommy and daddy with long limbs (I think).
Food Craving: Fruit or chocolate at different times
Food aversions: Just get sick of food easily
Morning sickness: Nope (crossing fingers)
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button: The top is starting to poke out--eek!
Stretch Marks: none (whispered with fingers crossed)
Wedding rings: still on, but getting tighter
Exercise: Still not allowed
What I miss: Not living day-to-day calling and/or visiting doctors offices!
What I'm looking forward to: My u/s today (my mom is coming too!) and going to Phx tomorrow for a 2 week vacation!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Things happen for a reason and better to be safe than sorry (which I keep telling myself everyday I go in for tests and get new doctor referrals.
Milestones: Just hit the start of the third trimester!
Size: By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. (S)he can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, (s)he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. (S)he's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

This is going way too fast and I'm so going to miss being pregnant--I just love it!
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